Uncle Vanya
Directed by: Zach Cantrell
This intimate, immersive new adaptation of Chekhov’s classic from Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Annie Baker – author of Body Awareness, Circle Mirror Transformation, and The Flick – brings colloquial language to this internationally beloved story of human relationships and yearning. Written with the “goal of creating a version that sounds to our contemporary American ears the way the play sounded to Russian ears during the play’s first productions in the provinces in 1898,” Annie Baker’s Uncle Vanya introduces twenty-first century audiences to Chekhov’s enduring wit, insight, and emotional depth.
When: Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: Lewisville Playhouse - 160 W Main St. Lewisville, TX 75057
Lewisville Playhouse is seeking the following roles for Annie Baker's version of Uncle Vanya. All roles are available. All roles will be paid a $150 stipend.
Vanya - Late 40's, Male Presenting
Sonya - Early to Mid 20's, Female Presenting
Yelena - Late 20's, Female Presenting
Marina - 60's to 80's, Female Presenting
Serebryakov - 60's to 80's, Male Presenting
Telegin - 30's - 50's, Male Presenting
Maria - 60's to 70's, Female Presenting
Astrov - Late 30's to Mid 40's, Male Presenting
*The role of Telegin requires playing an instrument. Please note any instrumental experience you have in your audition form and/or resume.
Callbacks will be held Monday, 2/11, from 7-10.
Rehearsals will typically be Monday-Friday from 7-10, starting 2/11 and ending 4/3.
Performances will be 4/4-4/6; 4/11-4/13; & 4/18-4/20, Friday & Saturday evenings at 8pm, and Sunday matinees at 3pm.
If interested in auditioning, please fill out this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebu6EwN3LoJZfMwMbnE0WlagSOMitAiWwJ6q76-svXtrfuJg/viewform?usp=sharing